a list of Intimate Gestures That Drive Me Nuts
1) sitting on swings in the park with them and holding their swing
2) stealing sips from their bitter coffee even though you hate it
3) using their whatsapp chat window as a note-taking app
4) lightly touching their knee to tell them you have their back
5) holding their hand near the small of your back
6) answering on their behalf whether they will have another cup of tea
7) feeding them straight from the ladle in the pot on the stove, to taste-test
8) saving them the last bite of food on a plate that you weren't sharing
9) resting your chin on their shoulder from behind when they're focused on Something Important
10) knowing they'll do it for you when you ask, "do it for me?"
11) checking for their phone on the table before leaving a restaurant
12) noticing your words in their mouth
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