I dont think "hate is a strong word"

it rains in every month; no aftermath, no forewarning, 
you sleep to one weather condition,
wake up to a different one in the morning.
seasons don't mean much.
I hate it here.

you can't take electricity for granted,
auto drivers have a death wish,
house numbers leave you questioning your common sense,
streets are numbered counterintuitively.
I hate it here.

bars are full on weekday afternoons,
metro pillars under construction simply collapse,
and if they collapse on you, strangers want nothing to do with it.
I hate it here.

in april, when it rains at sunset time -
not with a lot of conviction -
dripping tree leaves work as a sieve
for sunlight, as it falls on wet dark roads
half-submerged in fallen sonmohar flowers.
yellow becomes golden.
I hate it here...a little less.


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