To, Anxiety

I like you so much better when you're not there.
I don't like you at all. You're 
the extrovert who loves to make 
the quiet ones uncomfortable. 
You don't hesitate, fumble, 
or stumble. You're not awkward.
You're bossy and manipulative
 and imposing. You don't knock,
 you barge in. Your confidence
 is downright annoying. So is
 the fact that you almost 
always win. Because you're
 powerful, I'll give you that:
 you make hearts race,
 blood pressures shoot,
 sweat glands overwork,
 brains stop functioning, 
and entire bodies shake. 
And I would call you 
a sociopath, but that would
 be an insult to sociopaths.

Intense dislike,


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