For Aashay
I remember coming out of a
2 hour statistics lecture,
and into the canteen,
spotting this boy and
silently sobbing into his tshirt
catching a glimpse of the alarmed faces
all around the table.
I remember wiping my eyes
after exactly four minutes,
ordering a coffee and
taking it straight to class
because you have to time your breakdowns
in Third Year.
I remember the brave face he put on for me
when I'm willing to bet he was, in fact,
shitting his pants.
I remember quick looks exchanged at the table.
I remember having a hard time trying to put it into words.
In between sobs, I remember a head pat.
I remember a quiet, "you good?"
which was more a reassurance than a question.
I remember having to offer no explanations.
Not then. Not ever.
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